PHPainfree2 Docs

$Painfree->logic() - Documentation | PHPainfree2

PHPainfree2 $Painfree->logic()

$Painfree->logic() : void

$Painfree->logic() : void

This function is called automatically by PHPainfree2 and loads the defined ApplicationController.


This is an internal function to PHPainfree2 and is not meant to be called by applications.


include $Painfree->logic(); // load the application logic controller

public function logic() : void {
	return $this->options['LogicFolder'] . 
		'/' . $this->options['ApplicationController'];
What Where How
Configured PainfreeConfig.php $PainfreeConfig['ApplicationController'];
Called Painfree.php $Painfree->logic();
|-- htdocs/
|-- includes/
|   |-- PainfreeConfig.php
|   |-- Painfree.php
|   |-- App.php
|   `-- Controllers/
`-- templates/
    |-- app.php
	`-- views/
	    `-- main.php